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A Sensible Way to Approach 

Relationships and Family

Related Issues


Relationship breakdowns, Family issues, Divorce, Separation, Settlements, DHS issues, Child custody, Court battles, Coping with legal issues, Developing resilience, Mediation, Bullying, Clinical depression, Chronic anxiety, Anger & violence related management strategies, Dealing with anger from a spouse, teenager or other loved one.


The Innisfree approach will give you the experience and show you how to transform bad, poor, self-defeating or unhealthy relationships into personal choice behaviors that are positive and free of the negative co-dependency lifestyle.  Maybe even take you way beyond giving up bad outcomes, making past and present relationships and difficult family issues a tool for personal growth and development.  At Innisfree, it is possible.


Relationships, Breakdowns & Difficult Family Issues


Innisfree treats all kinds of relationship issues, whatever the persons situation and who are ready to change their thoughts, patterns and behaviours; individuals who have had enough of the dysfunction that is ruling their lives. They are people that have suffered a traumatic event(s) who are emotionally, physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually spent, burnt-out, depressed, anxious, dependent on drugs or alcohol, self-harming, self- sabotage or lost and confused about where their life is heading.


We understand about the isolation that comes from previously functioning relationships, from experiencing disease, disorders, situations and behaviours that have been created for survival, ruling your life and preventing you from moving forward with purpose with resilience. We understand that it is not easy to face or admit that you may be struggling with personal relationships or family discord, but we do see the courage it takes to make a change.


We believe all people have a chance to heal from these states and as we help you build your self-esteem and self-confidence you will see it too.



Call us for a confidential chat to see if you’re ready for change.

Phone: 1300 780 364



Marriage Breakdown, Divorce, Relationship Break-up



Mike, Thank you so much for being the person that answered my phone call. To hear someone on the other end that truly cared was amazing! I was not prepared for such a positive and at times, exhaustive experience. I apologise that I did not believe when I arrived that you believe that only special people find Innisfree. I now believe that I am special and so are the people that are here. Innisfree is now my other home and the people here are my family. Thank you so much for bringing it all together. I can now go home feeling so much lighter and looking forward to a bright future for myself and my family. Thank you... You saved my life by holding my hand and showing me the way. It was painful, and scary to come here, but just as painful and scary leaving. I have honestly had the best experience of my life.*



I wanted to share with you the gratitude I feel for each and everyone there. It has been about 18 months since my stay. I have taken many of the tools I learnt, and used them on my journey. Words seem to fail the great sense of love I feel for what I have learned. I now live on the Queensland/NSW border with my beautiful girls, loving my life and the adventure it has become. On the not so good days, at some point I always hear a voice saying something profound that keeps me moving forward. (“If you do the work, it will happen” by Jahne or “today is a day full of promise”). You guys are an amazing team and do an amazing job and I hope you realise what an impact you have on people’s lives.*   

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