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 Stress, Anxiety & Depression

can be a Debilitating Illness


Do you suffer from headaches, other aches and pains, sleep disturbance, insomnia, upset stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, anxiety, anger, irritability, depression, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed and out of control, feeling moody, tearful, difficulty concentrating, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, heart disease?


In the modern age, we’ve made significant advances in medical science, standards of living and quality of food and housing, however the pressure and stress we face in today’s world are as challenging as any experienced before by our predecessors. As a result of these pressures, we are at a greater risk of suffering from extended periods of stress and intense symptoms of anxiety and depression, all of which can severely disrupt our day-to-day functioning.



Stress is all around us and can be a part of daily life, but prolonged periods of stress can cause harmful changes to occur in our body. These changes can include the onset of depression and a suppressed immune system, which can eventually lead to cancer, heart disease or a possible stroke.



We all experience some degree of anxiety in our life but when we frequently experience high levels of anxiety, even when there is no discernible cause, anxiety can have a seriously debilitating effect on our life.



Depression is not just a normal feeling of sadness or moodiness. Depression is an illness characterised by strong feelings of sadness, helplessness and hopelessness. Physically, the effects result in sleeplessness, a loss of energy, or physical aches and pains.


If you suffer from either stress, anxiety or depression, we can help you take control of your life again. Taking the first step forward to seeking help can take a great deal of courage and strength, but the reward of creating a better quality of life for you and your loves ones will make the journey well worth it. 


We Don’t Just Treat The Symptoms…We Get To The Core Of The Issue So You Can Experience A Lasting Transformation


For every person there is a specific formula addressing all aspects of your being and condition, which is why we tailor the program specifically around you and your situation. Our program has proven over the years to deliver long lasting results because we don’t just treat the symptoms of the problem, we look deeply into the patterns and behaviours which lead you to experience stress, anxiety and depression.


We use a unique treatment that integrates various natural therapies to treat the whole person on all levels – mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. We call this program Natural Therapy Integration™. 


The length of stay at the centre will depend on your specific situation, needs and desired outcomes. Our preference is that you stay with us for a minimum 28 days to ensure full transformational response and long-term behavioural changes. We understand with work commitments and lifestyle, not everyone can commit to this length of stay, so we also offer a minimum 7 day stay.


Over the years, we’ve had amazing life-changing success using this program. See what others have said about the program.


It’s Time You Gain Control Of Your Life

Don’t leave it any longer; the time is now to start living to your full potential and enjoying a brighter and more enlightened future!



Contact us today for more information or phone for a free and confidential chat on 1300 80 364.




So it’s been about two months since my visit to the wonderful sanctuary you have created ‘Innisfree.’ Since leaving Innisfree I have managed to keep my anxiety under control, I eat three meals a day. My sleeping habits are slowly but surely returning to normal and I have returned back to full-time work. AS you may already know, Aksel and I see Dr. Wang every Friday night, and I have taken Mandy’s advice about reserving a “date night” for Aksel and I. Friday nights now include a little acupuncture with a twist of acupressure, a sprinkling of Chinese herbs followed by a romantic dinner for two in the city.  I don’t think you guys realise just how special you are. I entered Innisfree a very scared and anxious girl, unable to accept the events in my life that caused me to fall into what seemed like a bottomless pit of despair. I stupidly put my trust in a Medical Doctor whose answers for me were pills to relax, pills to sleep, and pills to wake up. (No wonder I was so messed up!)  I spent many hours in the Hammock at Innisfree unable to picture my life ever being normal again, scared that no one would be able to help me and afraid of what the future held. All I wanted was constant reassurance that everything was going to be ok and I wasn’t going crazy. (I know I was pretty demanding, but you guys always had time to sit with me and calm my nerves.)  Looking back now I know that you had a plan for me as you do for everyone that enters your doors. The therapies, the food, the advice, the surroundings, the activities, the love and warmth are all part of the bigger picture. One of your greatest gifts to me was empowerment. You empowered me to use my own skills to fight and keep on fighting (The answers were always within me.) I am better educated now when it comes to physical and mental health issues and am very cautious about what I put into my body (All natural stuff for me now!)  I would often look on the walls of Mandy’s office admiring the letters of gratitude from past patients. I was often envious of other people’s happiness because at times I was unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I never thought my time would come to write my own thank you, but it did... And here I sit now, in my classroom, 3kgs heavier, a smile on my face, heart not racing, no anxiety, able to smile at the world, looking forward to falling pregnant again with the help of Dr. Wang, loving my husband and family, plans to travel at the end of the year. Dinner with friends, movies, lazy weekends and nice memories of my girls Ayla and Elis...  All thanks to Innisfree! What an experience... What a place.*

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